Una cucina outdoor di Abimis in una villa emiliana.

An Atelier kitchen by Abimis plays the starring role in the garden of a villa in Parma.

Good food “fever” continues to spread among a growing number of people. One of the latest victims of this passion is a lawyer from Parma who, as soon as his professional engagements are over, withdraws to his beloved kitchen.


City: Parma
Location: Private House
Kitchen line: Atelier

Here, at the hob, he can let go of all the tension built up during the day and cultivate one of his greatest hobbies: cooking mouth-watering food and fantastic dishes.
It is a well-known fact that a lot of people find cooking extremely relaxing. This ritual frees up the mind while at the same time allowing the cook to prepare outstanding dishes carefully and with plenty of focus.

A home with two kitchens

Last year, the lawyer made an important decision. The decision was to leave his successful practice in the capable hands of his 2 children and, since he had reached retirement age, he retired to his country house, just outside Parma. He asked an architect friend of his to design this villa for him and his wife, expressly asking him for a large, super-accessorised kitchen that overlooked the living room directly. But that’s not all. In the part of their garden overlooking the living room, he also wanted a second outdoor kitchen.

Not just any old brickwork kitchen, with a chimney and a barbecue. But rather a veritable professionally-derived kitchen to try his hand at preparing his favourite dishes outside as well.

The reason behind this request was to be able to invite his children and their families, along with their many friends, over for a meal now that he has much more spare time on his hands. Yet without having to forego the pleasure of their company. In the past, he had all too often had to excuse himself and slave away in the kitchen to prepare the food. Now he wanted to be able to cook in the garden, in front of his guests, while at the same time enjoying a chat and good food with them.

This is why he wanted this second kitchen installed outdoors, right in front of the large open-plan setting fitted with the indoor kitchen that also spanned the living room.

An Atelier outdoor kitchen by Abimis in the garden

Since he had to leave the outdoor kitchen outside at all times and year-round, the lawyer opted for a stainless steel kitchen. This alloy is especially hard-wearing and suitable for outdoor settings even during the winter, in the presence of water, moisture and frost, as well as under the scorching hot summer sun.


His selection fell upon an Atelier by Abimis composition. This is a simple and compact solution (which measures just 180 cm in length), comprising three modules with a washing and cooking area. A 30 cm stainless steel back panel insulates and protects the top. Both the kitchen model (the Atelier line), and the Scotch-Brite stainless steel finish are the same as those used for his kitchen indoors.
This way, when he opens the huge sliding French doors which separate the garden from the living room, the two kitchens appear to liaise from two opposite sides of the setting. Their lay-out – one inside and the other (smaller) one outside – openly declares the owner’s great passion to his guests and friends.
In the first kitchen, the lawyer from Parma prepares his more elaborate dishes, the ones that require the use of the oven or other semi-professional appliances. In the other, he puts together quicker, more informal meals, more suitable for an al fresco dinner or garden party.

I am very satisfied with this solution” the lawyer confessed to us. “Now I can finally cook without leaving my friends, children and grandchildren alone…
And the performance of my outdoor kitchen is always top-level”, he concluded. “Stainless steel is not just hard-wearing, but it is also really easy to clean. Even when the kitchen is left unused for long periods of time, the dust and any dirt is quickly wiped away… In short: total satisfaction with zero drawbacks!”.


Abimis solutions perfectly reflect the original concept for which they were conceived: a professional-grade product devised for domestic settings that is both functional and designer.

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