Abimis ottiene nuovamente la certificazione TÜV Italia a “pieni voti”

The company Abimis was founded just over ten years ago as a brand of Prisma, to transfer to the residential world its know-how in the design and production of large installations for the Ho.Re.Ca sector, built up over more than 40 years of history.
The consolidated and guaranteed steel processing production chain has recently obtained the prestigious system certification by TÜV Italia according to UNI EN ISO 9001:2015, with full marks, demonstrating once again the company’s commitment to quality and safety precisely in terms of the supply chain and attention to its people. The internationally renowned body carries out a comprehensive and independent audit on the business processes, facilities and supply chain, exposing any potential areas for improvement.
Abimis is particularly proud this year to have gained the certification without any areas of non-compliance or indications for workflow optimisation. It also received a formal compliment for innovation of investments, organisational effectiveness in applying them and care for human resources, with dedicated welfare services.
This company would like to thank all its workers for their contribution to this important milestone, a stimulus for continuous improvement and innovation of the business processes.

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